Saturday, January 26, 2008


To enter expert levels in Astro Barrier, wait 30 seconds between level 30 and 31 and shoot the blue ship that appears.
Astro Barrier Cheats - level 7, when the screen tells you about the blue bars/enemies, click the one in the example for a free life. On level 10 or 30, if you wait a minute, a blue ship will appear, and if you shoot it, you’ll go to the expert levels.

To catch the Big Fish in Ice Fishing, use the little fishes as bait!
At the menu of AstroBarrier (the screen you get to after you press the Start Button), press 1, 2, or 3, to get to level 10, 20, or 30!

Puffle with no name - Buy a puffle at the store, when you’re asked to write a name, just press next. Press the +/= sign to change the graphic of the game.
Sitting Forward - Press a spot to walk to (You can face anyway you want [forward, sideways, backwards]). Press s.

Seing buddys on different servers on buddy list-If any of your buddies are logged in in a different server than you and you log in, check the buddy chat quickly after you log into any server (other than the one your buddy is on) and your buddy list will say they are on (even though its only suppose to say that if they’re on the same server as you [By server I mean like ‘Tundra’ or ‘Mammoth’]). You will only see this for one to two seconds.
To make candy pizzas in Pizzatron 3000, click on the lever on the start menu. Then you can make candy pizzia. Warning it makes you hungry.
Wall items flipped sideways - To put wall items flipped sideways, have a wall item up on the wall and quickly drag it outside the igloo, and it should be sideways.

DO DANCE WITH DIFFERENT CLOTHES ON -Have on any clothes (something cool), open your player card, take off everything and put on item that make you do a special dance (like Maracas) when you only have them on, dance, and you should be dancing with other clothes on (Keep player card open)! Once, I had been throwing snowballs prior to this and each time I waved with the tour guide hat on, my penguin with the clothes on would throw a snowball and hold the sign up at same time.
Wall items - To make furniture items go on the wall and vice versa, double click the furniture item on the top rows of your inventory. You can do the same with wall items.

WALK ON LIGHTHOUSE WALLS - Go to the lighthouse, go behind the barrel of fish (or somewhere between the barrel and boat), click the door a few times and then click above the door, and you’ll walk on the walls.

DANCE AND TALK WITH THE PAPER - First, you must click on this link: . (Remember, it only works for THAT link above. Click on someones player card, drag it off the Club Penuin page but you can still see it, open the newspaper, then without closing the newspaper, click on the ’send card’ button and send them a card. The newspaper will close automatically and you will still be holding it. Now you can talk and walk, but you can’t move or it’ll go away.

EDITING OTHER PLAYER IGLOOS - Method #1: Open your buddy list, then open the ‘Edit Igloo’ button in your igloo, then click on your buddy list and go to one of YOUR BUDDY’S igloos. You can now edit their igloo! And now you can also go to other penguins igloos to edit their’s even if they’re not your buddy! Methold #2: Go to your igloo, click the ‘Edit Igloo’ button. Now click on your penguin to show your player card. Click on your Secret Agent Spyphone and Teleport to the HQ. Then go to any igloo and you can edit it. However, other people won’t see you edit their igloo.

WALK WITH PAPER - USE THIS LINK ONLY OR IT WONT WORK. Click on someone’s player card and drag it outside. Go play Find four or Mancala. When the sign pops up, click it rapidly/quickly (try to press it twice but once will work). Click on the newspaper now, (with the game still up and the player card still up). Then click on the ’send card’ button (Don’t X out of the game or newspaper) and send that person a card. Now you’ve exited out of the newspaper/player card automatically. Now go to the town center or the ski village, then go back to the room you were playing in and everyone will see you walking with a paper and call you a lucky hacker along with the screams of jealousy. Note: you can’t see this yourself.

WALK ON ALL WALLS - Go to mountain top, click on the bunny slope, then click the map while you’re doing the sled game (you should have clicked yes when they asked if you wanted to sled or not). Then halfway into the game (you should be halfway down the sledding mountain) click on the town center on the map. When you’re in the town center, press enter and you should be walking on walls. You can now do this anywhere!

WALK ON LIGHTHOUSE WALLS - Walk onto the box of fish (so the cart is blocking you and you can only see your name). Now click on the exit door (left of the thing with an 8 on it) and then IMMEDIATELY click on something on the upper left, like the picture of a penguin, AS FAST AS YOU CAN AS MANY TIMES AS YOU CAN. You will walk on the wall.

NUBBING - To nub (walk behind your chatbox at bottom of screen), go to this site (or it won’t work if you don’t):, then press f11, and click on the white space below your chatbox (the chatbox is the place where you type in words to say).
Tips on locating Rockhopper - Rockopper can be found anywhere. The most randon place to find him is at his ship or the plaza. Too know which server he is on go on servers that arent usually as populated but have a lot of people on now. Theirs others but it would take me all day to write them.

Flashing words 2 - Type with CAPS LOCK ON this: I saw a monster in a box So it should come up like this on Club Penguin: I SAW A MONSTER IN A BOX (Im leaving spaces to signify no period). Then just walk around and the words will flash (as long as the chat you typed is still there; yes it can go away if you don’t walk for a while) If anyone knows anymore, please comment and tell me. If the cheats work, I’ll add them to the list above.
The Club Penguin Big Screen Mode - The only site where ALL real cheats/glitches work (some don’t work onCP’s main site):
You can log onto any mod’s account including Rockhopper’s on the Club Penguin Big Screen mode by typing their username and a random password, however, you will get banned immediately if you aren’t using the mod’s IP Address (their computer). (This means you can only long in without getting banned if you are using the mod’s PERSONAL computer)
Jet packer coin cheat - If you can beat ‘Jet Pack Adventure’ without getting a single coin, you will get 1,000 coins at the end as your reward.

MORE FLASHING WORDS - Say “Green commander of cheese” without the quotes and move around and it will flash!
Rockhoppers Bracelet - you can get the bracelet at the end of ‘Rockhopper and the Stowaway’s book on the last page. You can find the book in the room above the Coffee Shop.
Surfing Game cheat - Bring your RED puffle with you when you play the surfing game and it will surf along with you. I think you can use other puffles but im not sure yet.
If you look in the binoculars in the Cove, and wait 10 seconds, you’ll see a speedboat whiz by with a penguin clinging on with a Tube. If you look into the telescope up in the Lighthouse and wait five seconds, a surfing puffle will surf by. This really isnt a cheat.
Looking like holding tours here sign but not - Wear anything (it works best if you’re wearing nothing though), then open your player card, and take off everything in your player card and put on your tour guide hat, BUT DONT CLOSE YOUR PLAYER CARD. Now, with your player card still open, wave. You will be holding up your hands!
Sliding without being on ice rink - As long as you’re on the Ice Rink room, you can still slide even if you’re not on the actual ice! For example, you can slide on the stands of the Ice Rink.
How to spam - Spamming is talking nonsense real fast. To spam, press j repeatedly real fast and you’ll be telling jokes at the speed of light (If you’re not telling jokes, try moving to a different spot and/or make sure you’re not typing into the chatbox)!
Hidden emotes - Coin emote: Press E and then M; Star Smiley: Press E and then N; Igloo emote: Press E and then I; Music note emote (also makes a farting noise): Press E and then T; Pizza emote: Press E and then Z. There are other emotes you can display by using this method that are already on your toolbar (Heart, Skull symbol, flowers, clover…) that you can find yourself by just testing it out. And if these aren’t working for you, try moving to a different spot on the screen.

have over 100 buddies - When you have buddies in the 90s (I suggest having 99 buddies for this cheat to work), ask as many people as you can or want to be your buddy and DONT OPEN THE MAIL TO SEE IF THEY ACCEPTED OR DECLINED, just keep asking more and more people. When you think you’ve asked enough people, open all the buddy replies, and even if more penguins accepted so that you’d have more than 100 penguins, they’ll still be your buddies and you’ll have over 100 buddies. Notice: Sometimes ur buddys can be eraced even if you didn’t do it. Adding lots of buddys cause that problem sometimes.

Throw fast snowballs - Rather than pressing the snowball button on the chatbar in Club Penguin, just push T on your keyboard. So just keep pushing T and clicking to fire and you’ll be shooting real fast! Note: For best quality hide behind something like the counter in the gift shop.

Wave super fast - Press W on your keyboard really fast when you’re in Club Penguin. Also if you have a whistle you can blow it and keep blowing it so it makes a whistel sound. Super
Clothing Dance (Do lots of different movements at the same time) - This is one of my favorites. First off, wear as many clothing items that make you move differently as possible (I suggest wearing the Lei and Green Duckie Tube, it works well), you can also wear anything else, but I suggest doing it with only the movement items your first time. Then, open your player card and take everything off and put on the Tour guide hat, but DONT CLOSE YOUR PLAYER CARD. Now, wave (or press W), and you’ll be Hula dancing, holding up the tour card, swimming, wearing cool stuff, and more at the same time!

More flashing words - Say this: “Lets warm up here in the ski lodge” and walk around (without the quotation marks) and walk around and it’ll flash. The same thing works for “I SAW A MONSTER EAT _____” . (______ can be anything, but it works well if you use ROCKHOPPER or CLUB PENGUIN or A MODERATOR in the blank. Walk around after you say it. Example: I SAW A MONSTER EAT A MODERATOR.

How to check if someone has been banned - Too see if someone has been banned type in their USERNAME and a pass that is more than 4 didgits. Now a screen should appear saying your banned for such and such time.

Weird locations - If you try to find your friend using the Find Friend Button and it says they’re hiding, it means they’re in the HQ. If they’re on an adventure it means they’re doing a mission.

Hidden “Ninja” - On the home page,, click the N in NightClub for a “Ninja” to appear. The ninja doesn’t look like the ninja in Penguin Chat 3 (Don’t ask if you don’t know what this is)or a ninja at all but I guess he is one. Also, you can click him to change his clothes.

Say hello and goodbye FAST - Press H and B, back and forth, repeatedly and you’ll be saying Hello and Goodbye really fast.

Walk on the Beacon’s light bulb - Go behind the beacon and throw a bunch of snowballs through the beacon to the other side. RAPIDLY Press the +/= button on your keyboard and click on the snowballs to go through it. When your halfway through click behind the beacon to walk back (if you want). If this does not walk try redoing it but this time keep pressing the +/= button really really fast back and forth. This doesn’t work for some people because of their computer.
Put up all the newspapers in the Boiler Room: Go to the boiler room and open the cabinet with the newspapers in it. Click and hold the last newspaper in the back of the cabinet and then move your mouse to the newspaper directly infront of it (keep holding). Now let go of the mouse and the last newspaper should be standing up. Now click and hold the second to last newspaper and move the mouse to the one in front; this one should be standing up too now. Continue doing this until all of the newspapers are standing up.

Play four penguins on bunny hill - This cheat sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t, just retry it if it doesn’t. First, go to Ridge Run (the ski slope with four penguins) and click ‘Yes’ as soon as it asks you if you want to play. Then immediately click somewhere else so you’re not sitting in a tube anymore; then go to the Bunny Hill ski slope. Do this all before the screen pops up that shows the four players waiting in the Ridge Run slope. You will then walk over to the Bunny Hill slope without quiting the Ridge Run slope. If you do it right you’ll be doing the Bunny Hill course with the three people you’re playing Ridge Run with! If it didn’t work, you probably didn’t click the Bunny Hill slope fast enough after you clicked ‘Yes’. There will be a slight pause after you click yes before the screen with the players pops up, you have to click it before the screen pops up.

Walk on Mine Shack Walls: This is the same concept as ‘Walk on Beacon’ so it might not work for some computers. Walk to the left or right of the Mine Shack (not the Mines, the Mine Shack), then rapidly press the +/= button and click the other side of the mine shack. This might not work the first time so keep tring and you’ll go through, be sure to keep pressing the +/= button when you’re walking through it. Remember, this does not work for all computers.
Tip on sledding - This tip will increase your sledding skill tremendously. After each time you jump over a slope, a log, or go through an icy, slipper path (these are good for you), return to the middle of the slope so you will have an even chance of facing what’s coming next, rather than being on the far left or far right. Unless you wanna memorized the slope, this is the best course of action.

Super Chain Slide Flashing Words Cheat - Type “TACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACOTACO” into your chatbar, (which is exactly 12 tacos) or until your chatbar fills up. Then hit enter and walk around. The words should flash.

Nonstop dancing - Go to the town and start dancing, now click the home igloo icon, and you’ll still be dancing when you enter your igloo!

No-pay movement - Click on any penguin other than your own and click the ‘Send Postcard’ button. Click any postcard that invites them to a place, and preview it. Then DON’T buy the postcard, just click ‘Go there!’ in the Preview, and you’ll be there!

Farting Noise - To make a farting noise and a green music sign emote, press E and then T on your keyboard. If it doesn’t work move to a different spot and try again. You can do this as many times as you want.

Superhero penguin - Take off everything and open your playercard. Put on the propeller hat and dance. You will be flying. KEEP THE PLAYERCARD OPEN. With the playercard still open, take off your propeller hat and put on your tour guide hat and wave. You will be flying with your hands in the air! I think only you can see this. It might also work if you don’t take everything off at the beginning of the cheat.
Hidden Jokes - Sometimes the newspaper has hidden things in it. Try scrolling over the words, “Jokes”, “Riddles”, or “Poems” in the newspaper and if they light up, click on it to find the hidden content.

Hold your hat in the air - Put on your propeller hat and dance so you’re flying in the air. Open your player card, put on the tour guide hat, but don’t close the player card, and wave. You will be holding your hat in the air! Other people can’t see this.

Penguin Name Glitch - To get a penguin named with something like penguin34567803 or somethign different give it a weird and random name like Adverticer or test3455. Make up a name which is basically a spam name and you should get a name like penguin34567803. Remember numbers after penguin may vary.

I got the above cheats from chewy pup's site
thank you